What is SSC and How Its Recruitment Process Begins
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is an organization under Government of India to recruit staff for various posts in the various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India and in Subordinate Offices.
The functions of Staff Selection Commission were redefined by The Government of India through Ministry of Personnel for conducting examinations to recruit lower categories of posts.
Hence various categories of SSC examinations are conducted for various vacancies, as follows:
· SSC Combined Higher secondary level (10 + 2)
· SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL)
· SSC Multi Tasking staff ( non-technical)
For all the SSC Recruitment 2018 the process is being as follows:
Staff Selection Commission selection process is based on Written Examination. Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the examination will be required to appear for a descriptive type qualifying paper for testing basic language skills. Written Examination consists of two paper, candidates who qualified objective type paper (Paper I) will be shortlisted for the descriptive type (Paper-II) examination on the basis of their performance in Paper-I. Paper-II will only of qualifying nature.
The cut-offs in Paper-I and qualifying marks in Paper-II may be different for vacancies in each State/Union Territories and will be fixed at the discretion of the commission. Candidates for each State/Union Territories will be finally selected based on their performance in Paper-I, subject to their meeting basic qualifying standards fixed in Paper-II.
SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination is organized every year by Staff Selection Commission for the appointment of assistant post in various department, inspector of income tax/ central excise/ preventive officer/ examiner/ Post/ narcotics, CBI SI, Divisional accountant, statistical Investigator Grade II.
The SSC Recruitment 2018 for CGL selection will be conducted in four tiers (stages):
Tier-I — Computer-based examination
Tier -II — Computer-based examination
Tier -III — Pen and paper mode (descriptive paper)
Tier-IV — Computer proficiency test / skill test (wherever applicable)/ document verification
The SSC Recruitment 2018 Multi Tasking Non Technical Staff (MTS) selection process is as follows:
The written examination will consist of the following Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Paper 1 (Objective type paper): The exam will be based on general intelligence and reasoning, numerical aptitude, general English and general awareness. The exam will carry a total of 150 marks and will be held for duration of two hours for general candidates and two hours and 40 minutes for visually handicapped/cerebral palsy candidates.
Paper 2 (Descriptive paper): It will be descriptive in which the candidates will be required to write short/essay/letter in English or any language included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution. This exam will be conducted for the candidates who meet the cut-off prescribed by the commission in Paper 1 for different categories.
Selection procedure:
The candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in Paper 1. Paper 2 will be only of qualifying nature. The cut-offs in Paper-I and qualifying marks in Paper-II may be different for vacancies in each State/UT will be fixed at the discretion of the commission. Candidates for each State/UT will be finally selected based on their performance in Paper-I, subject to their meeting basic qualifying standards fixed in Paper-II.